Immersion Journeys ~ Garrya Tongsai Bay Samui 4D3N Package

  • Banyan Tree Group 5 star hotel ~ Garrya Tongsai Bay Samui
  • Immersion Journeys ~ Let's Relax ! Enjoy ! Wonderful Sea View in your trip


* Required



全球知名酒店品牌 Banyan Tree 旗下 ~ 蘇梅 Garrya Tongsai Bay Samui 

[旅遊展專屬優惠] 6月10日起至7月31日期間預訂,每位再減 $440

Garrya Tongsai Bay Samui 住宿套票由$5,020起 - 讓你沈浸式放鬆身心

酒店位於風景優美的蘇梅島,整個渡假村佔地超過10萬平方米,擁有著令人驚嘆的自然風光,四周環繞著私人沙灘,獨特的海濱亦這個世外桃源更加亮眼。度假村的bath with a view概念,融入了每間客房/別墅的設計,讓客人於房間內的沐浴體驗昇華,享受到屬於自己的景觀。

website 1.jpg

入住3晚 Seaview Hillside Suite 每位 HK$5,020+ (佔半房)

Seaview Hillside Suite - Bedroom and Living room 2 (1).jpg

入住3晚 Beachfront Suite 每位 HK$5,110+ (佔半房)

GRTHTB - Beachfront Suite 3rd Floor - Bedroom 2 (1).jpg

GRTHTB - Beachfront Suite Ground Floor - Shower room 1 (1).jpg

入住3晚 Seafront Suite 每位 HK$5,280+ (佔半房)

GRTHTB - Seafront Suite - Living room with the view 1 (1).jpg

GRTHTB - Seafront Suite - DBL Bed (1).jpg

入住3晚 Seaview Hillside Pool Suite 每位 HK$6,180+ (佔半房)

 Seaview Hillside Suite - Bedroom and Living room 2 (1).jpg

GRTHTB - Seaview Hillside Pool Suite -Terrace with the view (1).jpg

入住3晚 Tongsai Seaview Pool Villa 每位 HK$7,780+ (佔半房)

GRTHTB - Tongsai Seaview Pool Villa - Aerial Shot (1).jpg

GRTHTB - Tongsai Seaview Pool Villa - Bedroom - KING (1).jpg

GRTHTB - Tongsai Seaview Pool Villa - Pool Shot - 4 (1).jpg




Price included

  • Round trip economy class air ticket between HKG & USM by PG
  • 3 nights Hotel Accommodation with breakfast
  • 0.15% TIC Levy
  • HK$100,000 Travel Insurance [Zurich Insurance (Hong Kong) 24-hour emergency hotline+852-2886-3977]

Price not included

  • Airport tax & HK security charge(if any)


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